Epworth Music Day
The map below is a simplified Google Map depiction of Epworth and highlights the various venue locations around the Town where you will be able to experience performances throughout the day (this map is also found in the printed programme). Where red lines appear across the road are indicators of road closure barriers that will be in operation on Epworth Music Day to ensure the safety of all pedestrians as they move around the Town Centre.
Disabled Parking Bays can be found in the Market Place, Kings Head Croft and Red Lion Car Parks, but they will be first come, first served. So please plan accordingly if you have limited mobility.
Please note also the highlighted Car Parking provided by South Axholme Academy will be in operation until 5pm on Saturday evening. After this time alternative parking can be sought in the various Market Place Car Parks: behind Koko Leaf, at the Queens Head or behind the Red Lion (entering to the side of Albion Bakery) or at Kings Head Croft near to St. Andrews Church.
Epworth Music Day Map