Epworth Music Day

Holy Trinity Handbell Ringers, Messingham
The group was formed in 2002 following the refurbishment of the handbells belonging to the Bellringers of HOLY TRINITY CHURCH, MESSINGHAM. At that time there were 17 bells and 7 ringers. We played for our own enjoyment using numerical notation. Eventually we augmented the set to a fully chromatic 2 octave set of 25 enabling us to play a wider variety of music. Then, when Roger our conductor joined us, he encouraged us to use musical notation despite some of the group being unable to read music.
We have played to a variety of local organisations and Churches. A highlight in 2009 was being part of the production of Noyes Fludde organised by Sue Hollingsworth. In 2015 we were Highly Commended in the Brigg Music Festival.